Eagle's Nest

Eagle's Nest

Eagle's Nest is an area focused on mentorship style merit badges. Traditionally badges are conducted through group sessions where multiple Scouts work on requirements in a structured environment. Eagle's Nest requires Scouts to work on their own, offering opportunities for exploration and research on a topic not normally available in structured sessions. Experienced Merit Badge Counselors are available to guide Scouts through their badge's topic while adding instruction and supporting personal interests. 

Statement of Expectation

Eagle's Nest is a program that depends on the scouts to be personally responsible for their actions, effort, and results. Eagle's Nest is strongly recommended for Scouts BSA at least 13 years old or First Class rank.

Participants are expected to behave in a manner that reflects the Scout Oath and Law and may be asked to leave the area at the Area Director's discretion.

Participants are responsible for documenting their work. Requirements will only be approved if a participant can prove that the work they turn in is their own. Plagiarism is not a trustworthy act. Any requirement that states "with the approval of your counselor" must have approval from a counselor for that badge before any work may be completed or signed off. Scouts may attend Eagle's Nest, Eagle's Nest Jump Start, or Eagle's Nest Year Round to get approval, and return another time to have the requirement signed off when it is complete. If a requirement is approved by another counselor, contact information for that counselor is required for verification before the requirement can be marked completed.

Year-Round 2023

September 29 - Friday evening 6 to 8 pm

September 30 - Saturday evening 6 pm to 8 pm


October 20 - Friday evening 6 to 8 pm

October 21 - Saturday 9 am to 5 pm/ 6 pm to 8 pm


November 17 - Friday - 6 pm to 8 pm

Work on selected Eagle-required merit badges.

First Class and above Scouts BSA can attend Eagle's Nest Year-Round at Camp Somers by appointment. Sessions are held one weekend each month from September to June. At Eagle's Nest Year Round, you can have work approved or reviewed for the following merit badges:

Participants are advised to select no more than three merit badges to work on at Eagle's Nest. Other merit badge counselor's names are available from troop leadership. Ask your Scoutmaster for more information.

Participants must telephone Pat Hawkins at 973-765-9322 x 420 and leave a message no later than 7 pm the Monday before the session to make an appointment. All appointments are first come, first served. The events will be canceled if there is not enough interest for any given session. Cost is $5 per merit badge. Participants (not parents) must make their own appointments.

Sessions are held in Tuney Lodge at Camp Somers. Participants must bring a blue card, signed by their Scoutmaster, to show that the Scoutmaster approves of them working on these badges. The participant should borrow or buy the merit badge pamphlet. It is recommended that participants review the current requirements available at scouting.org. They may also print out worksheets at usscouts.org for their badges. Scouts are encouraged to begin badges on their own.

Don't forget, participants can also contact other merit badge counselors to work on these and all other merit badges. Speak with your Scoutmaster to find a counselor in your area.

Please see the Statement of Expectation for more information on partial completion.

Follow Up Day

November 18 - Saturday - 9 am to 5 pm/ 6 pm to 8 pm

Finish up Eagle’s Nest merit badge partials from Camp Somers summer camp.

This is a special program only for Scouts BSA who have partials on any of the Eagle’s Nest merit badges from Camp Somers. Participants must arrange an appointment time by leaving a message for Mrs. Pat Hawkins at 973-765-9322 x420. There is no fee, but Scouts must pre-register. No walk-in appointments are available. Be sure to bring your blue card partial from the summer camp Eagle’s Nest.


Camp Somers

750 Waterloo Road

Stanhope, NJ 07874


Participants must telephone Pat Hawkins at 973-765-9322 x 420 and leave a message no later than 7 p.m. the Monday before the session to make an appointment.

Additional Information